

A thank you for 2014

In 2014 we raised over $84,000.00 for the Michael J Fox Foundation in honor of our wonderful friend Richard Thompson. As always, we have some of the best friends in the world who continue to support this amazing charity. In…

We are number 10 and my kid is 5

This weekend I had a book signing for Richards new art book. I also had team cul-de-sac items to sell. My 5 1/2 year old daughter,  Emily, wanted to come along and sell her artwork she had made the night…

Robin Williams art donation

Robin Williams was one of the brightest stars in my universe. With the recent news of Robin Williams having Parkinson’s I have had people ask me what Team Cul de Sac could do. Any cartoonist this week that has done…

Robin Williams

Robin Williams Nobody has made me laugh like Robin did. I will miss him more than I care to admit. Today we found out Parkinson’s had decided to attack  another comic genius. I hate Parkinson’s. I hate how it has…