

Watterson/Pastis Auction ends soon!

 Folks, the auction is almost over! Register through Heritage and start bidding! http://www.ha.com/c/search-results.zx?N=0+793+794+791+792+1893+1577+2088&chkNotSold=0&Ntk=SI_Titles&Nty=1&Ntt=bill+watterson&ic=homepage-search-071713 At the moment the three strips are at $37,000. Plus the MJFF will get the .0975 that Heritage will donate back from the buyers premium to the…

Watterson/Pastis Auction Update!

Bill Watterson’s return to comics: Pearls Before Swine comic art auctioned for Parkinson’s research The reclusive creator’s artwork from the recently finished three-day collaboration with Stephen Pastis on Pearls Before Swine will sell Aug. 8, 2014 at Heritage Auctions, proceeds to benefit the Michael J. Fox…

Drink and Draw 2014 at HeroesCon

On Thursday I arrived at the Convention Center and Shelton Drum grabbed me and off to the local CBS station we went.  Next thing I know we are on the air discussing the con, Drink and Draw and those beautiful…

HeroesCon Auction Artwork #4 Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker is Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist who lives in the D.C. area. Matt always donates art to us and beyond this beautiful watercolor of Earth Day, we also have some cool coasters he scribbled on! (Photos do not…

New drawing hip

Amy sent this new portrait of Richards hip to us tonight. Sounds like he will be standing up on Friday.  Keep the love coming folks!

Moving Day Walk in DC

Hello everyone, It is Chris Sparks! Three years ago Richard Thompson and I started Team Cul de Sac. So far we have raised over 100,000 for the Michael J Fox Foundation. A couple of years ago we even walked in…