

TCDS Panel at Comic-Con update

Please come and see us take Comic-Con over with this amazing Panel of Cartoonists! Saturday, July 20 • 4:00pm – 5:00pm Team Cul de Sac UPDATED: Tue, Jul 09, 05:13PMChris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award-nominated Team Cul de…

Comic Con Panel information

Saturday July 20th Time 4pm-5pm Room 9 Team Cul de Sac  Come meet some of the TCDS contributors!  Join Chris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award Nominated Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinsons book.…

Team Cul de Sac panel at Comic-Con

I have the official news that we will have aTeam Cul de Sac Panel at Comic-Con, Saturday, 7/20/13 Times will be announced closer to the date.Team Cul de Sac Join Chris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award Nominated…

Drink and Draw at Heroescon

So I have been friends with Shelton Drum for many years. Over the years I have seen his Heroescon grow into one of the biggest and best comic conventions in the country. Five years ago at heroescon I met someone…