Awards time of the year. Go VOTE for TCDS

Just a reminder to all of the contributors, professionals and fans. I have sent TCDS off to the Eisner awards for nomination consideration. We should know about if we were nominated in about a month. Also, if you are a contributor or a professional who loved our book vote for us to be nominated for the Harvey awards. Information on that follows:

Remember folks, if you contributed to Team cul de sac then please nominated your book for the Harvey awards. Please vote for us! If we get nominated then lets get the word out to vote for us in the finals! I have no shame do I?
I just Nominated Team Cul de Sac for:

Best Anthology: Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel

Special Award for Humor in Comics Chris Sparks/Team Cul de Sac

Special Award for Excellence In Presentation:Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel

Best Biographical, Historical, or Journalistic Presentation :Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel
(for Michael Cavnas Story on Richard Thompson)