Bill Watterson signing a few books for TCDS

Hi everyone, Chris Sparks here with some cool news!
Bill Watterson will be signing 5 Team Cul de Sac books and 5 Complete Calvin and Hobbes softcovers for Team Cul de Sac to sell to help raise money for the Michael J Fox Foundation. 
One of each will be sold/auctioned at Heroescon this year.
More news with details soon.

Thank you to Bill Watterson in helping us out!

T/Y to Shelton Drum,Seth Peagler,Heather Mobley Peagler,Rico Renzi and everybody at for their support.

We will also have a copy of each book at Baltimore Comic-Con to sell. 
Thank you Mark Nathan and Bradford Tree for all of their support at the Baltimorecon.