"Scratchy sketchbook drawings, doodlings, exquisite caricatures and humorous paintings": Reviewing Richard Thompson's last books
by John A. Lent, publisher and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Comic Art.
International Journal of Comic Art blog August 10, 2016
http://ijoca.blogspot.com/2016/08/scratchy-sketchbook-drawings-doodlings.html This review will appear in print in the Spring/Summer 2016 IJOCA issue later this summer.
International Journal of Comic Art blog August 10, 2016
http://ijoca.blogspot.com/2016/08/scratchy-sketchbook-drawings-doodlings.html This review will appear in print in the Spring/Summer 2016 IJOCA issue later this summer.
Richard saw all three of the books reviewed here, and approved them. – MR