We went down twice together, at the invitation of con owner Shelton Drum and his right-hand man, Dustin Harbin. Richard had a great time. Last night I stumbled across a recording that I had forgotten about, so I put it online. I haven't listened to it since recording it, but here's Richard talking about Cul de Sac, and Parkinson's Disease.
Heroes Con 2011: Richard Thompson A Celebration
Richard Thompson: A Celebration
Room 209
Is Cul-De Sac the best comic strip being published today?
Perhaps, but one thing is for certain, it is the best drawn and the
funniest. Okay, that’s two things. Please join Mike Rhode and
some fellow strip creators as we sit down and examine the art of Mr.
Thompson. In addition to discussing craft and daily deadlines, we will
see if Richard can provide any insight as to whether poor Petey will
make it through the entire soccer season without having a psychotic
breakdown. Ahhh, total Bliss (haven).
With Craig Fischer and Team Cul de Sac's Chris Sparks.