I met Roger last year at Heroescon. He is such a sweet and wonderful guy. Roger is one of the most talented people in comics. I am thrilled he is part of Team Cul de Sac.
Here is more about Roger:
“Roger Langridge has been producing comics for over twenty years. Most recently, he has attracted critical attention for his work on the Harvey Award-winningMuppet Show Comic Book (Boom! Studios) and Thor: The Mighty Avenger (Marvel Comics); other works of note include Marvel’s Fin Fang Four, Fantagraphics’Zoot! and Art d’Ecco (in collaboration with his brother Andrew), and his self-published comic book and web strip Fred the Clown. He is currently working on a new series, Snarked!, for Boom! Studios.”
Roger had this to say about Richard :
“As for Richard: I’ve been fortunate enough to meet Richard Thompson on a few occasions at comic conventions and to have a chance to talk to him over a drink or a meal. I love the way his wit works – he can be talking about something apparently seriously, then, with great comic understatement, he’ll just slip in a zinger in the most casual way, to devastating effect, as if it were the most effortless thing – as if he himself didn’t even notice it. His comics work the same way. He is also one of those great rarities, somebody who doesn’t open his mouth unless he has something interesting to say. Fortunately, Richard Thompson has a lot of interesting things to say!”