The Art of Richard Thompson table of contents

4 Introduction by Nick Galifianakis

8 Richard Thompson: A Brief Biography (With a Few Observations Mixed In) by David Apatoff
19 "Can he draw something during the operation?" by Richard Thompson
20 "Alice was looking underinflated … " Parkinson's disease discussion with Nick Galifianakis

22 Illustration Interview by Peter de Seve
68 Bono Mitchell recalls Richard's early illustrations
74 My New Favorite Nib by Richard Thompson

82 Richard's Poor Almanac Interview by Gene Weingarten
89 Below the Beltway by Richard Thompson
99 "Slinky McBits" and one of my favorite Almanacs by Richard Thompson

134 Caricature Interview by John Kascht
153 Hopeful Monsters, or, Caricaturing Berlioz by Richard Thompson
164 Music, a dilettante's love story by Richard Thompson

182 Cul de Sac Interview by Bill Watterson
191 Historic Otterloop Artifact by Richard Thompson
193 Early Cul de Sac
197 The primeval Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson
215 A master of the art form … by Lee Salem

222 Contributor Biographies