Hi Everyone, Chris Sparks here. We just celebrated a fun Drink and Draw at #sccomiccon and wanted to give a big Shout out to Robert Young. Thanks Rob for helping find such fun stuff for the auction!
Now it is time to start planning Heroescon Drink and Draw. June 14th after the show. ( time and place TBA) Shelton Drum the founder of HeroesCon and I have been tossing some cool ideas around that are in early development. So please watch here and on Facebook for that news.
Other news is that Emily, my daughter and I will be attending the Michael J Fox Foundation Gala in New York City on April 5th. This will be her first time to see up close the amazing work the Foundation does. I can’t think of a better way to spend her 10th Birthday weekend.
We will also have a representative at our Drink and Draw this year!
So here is the pitch, we would love to have you donate original art, this can be a published page or something you want to create that is just will blow the minds of the fine friends attending our drink and draw. Do whatever you want we love to see your creativity. Have a new book out? Send us copies of that a sketch in the book. Folks love the signed/sketched books!
Speaking of creativity, thank you creator law in being one of our sponsors along with Heroescon!
How to donate?
Email me at teamculdesac@gmail.com or message me on facebook on our team cul de sac page or friend and then message me on fb. I will send you the mailing address and will post the donations here and on Facebook.